Apr 27, 2022
11 Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his
disciples and a large crowd went along with him. 12 As he
approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the
only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from
the town was with her. 13 When the Lord saw her, his heart went out
to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”
14 Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on,
and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get
up!” 15 The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him
back to his mother.
16 They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet
has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his
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